

Where is the 2018 global packaging going?

2019/07/11 15:32:06

Mintel's 2018 Global Packaging Trends Report was released, and the report identifies challenges and opportunities that will affect manufacturers, brands and retailers in the global packaging market in the future.


The five major trends cover a broader range of topics such as preservation, automation, aesthetics, sustainability and trust, providing a panoramic view of the global packaging industry in 2018.

1. The earth that is packed and filled

Today's “one-off culture” will evolve into a primary means of understanding and accepting packaging that reduces global food and product waste.


For a long time, consumers believe that packaging is often unnecessary and ultimately wasted by consumers. However, this misunderstanding is now changing. Packaging innovations are designed to extend the freshness of food, protect food ingredients, and ensure safe delivery, which is more beneficial to consumers around the world. Brands now need to take action and use packaging as a communication channel to guide consumers through the benefits of packaging, from extending the shelf life of food to providing efficient and safe basic products to all regions of the world.

Brands need to take immediate action and use the communication tools on the packaging to educate consumers about the benefits of packaging. From extending the shelf life of packaged foods to providing efficient and safe essentials for the world's developed and underdeveloped regions.


2, redefine the packaging

As more and more consumers embrace online shopping, packaging will play a key role in the e-commerce experience between brands and consumers.


Online shopping is becoming more and more popular around the world and is found everywhere in the world. Although the main advantage of online shopping is convenience, consumers' expectations are more from their favorite brands. When a designed package needs to be viewed online, or when the shipping package needs to be opened at home, the e-commerce packaging experience must reflect the consumer's expectations when shopping at the store.

3, cleaning label 2.0

Brands refuse to provide too much or too little information on packaging designs that guide consumers' purchasing decisions, as this may make shoppers more confused about information, rather than informed.


Although consumers know more about the information than before, they may also be in conflict with the brand when they are plagued by overloaded information. Every package must be emotionally resonated with the consumer at the time of sale. The design principle of “essentialism” bridges the inevitable ambivalence of consumers when making informed and confident purchasing decisions. Brands must bring a new generation of clean labels to packaging design, providing consumers with a calm, clear moment in an increasingly busy retail environment. Brands must incorporate the next generation of cleaning labels into the packaging design to provide clear information to consumers in an increasingly complex retail environment.

4. Ocean changes

Plastic packaging floating in the oceans of the world will be a catalyst for brands to reconsider product packaging in a context that consumers can understand and implement.


The use of marine litter to repackage materials reflects the importance of sustainable development, but this approach does not fundamentally solve the problem. From the beginning, it will reduce the chance of packaging waste entering the ocean, which will greatly reduce the adverse effects of plastic packaging waste on the marine environment. The use of environmentally friendly materials packaging helps drive the recycling economy, packaging materials can effectively return to the hands of consumers from the hands of consumers, while reducing marine plastic waste. In order to keep plastics away from the ocean, brands need to renew their efforts in recycling economy, so that valuable packaging materials can be reused to ensure that more environmentally friendly packaging materials are put into use.

5, regained the sail

The brand will look at the modern packaging form to re-engage young consumers and focus on the parts that are less visited in the mall.


Since young consumers will avoid certain areas in the store, the brand needs to work harder on the packaging to meet certain special requirements and ideas of young consumers. And when consumers shop, brands are communicated to consumers to let them know the brand's efforts. Packaging properties such as transparent materials can give consumers a sense of openness and trust, while meeting millennials' interest in fresh, healthy foods. Modern, advanced design, recyclability or unique shapes appeal to younger consumers.